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Showing posts with the label Stability

Accelerated Stability Testing Calculator

As a perfumer in the individual artisan perfume industry, my top priority is creating fragrances that not only captivate the senses but are also safe for consumers. A key aspect in ensuring the safety and effectiveness of cosmetic products is stability testing. Stability testing measures how well a product retains its quality and consistency over time, including important factors such as appearance, fragrance, texture, and pH levels. In this blog article, I'll be sharing a valuable tool for perfumers and cosmetic companies alike: a calculator that uses the Arrhenius equation to determine the guarantee days through accelerated-stability testing at a higher temperature. It calculates the duration for which a product remains stable under these conditions. Start date: End date: Temperature (°C): Calculate Guaranteed shelf life (years): Calculate Disclaimer: The information provided by Scentabile is for general informational purposes only. The use of the industry stan...