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Aromatherapy Efficacy Dictionary

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory: May help inhibit the activity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which breaks down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

Analgesic: May provide relief from pain.

Antibacterial: May help kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria.

Anti-inflammatory: May help reduce inflammation in the body.

Antimicrobial: May help kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Antiperspirant: May help reduce sweating.

Antirheumatic: May help relieve rheumatic pain or stiffness.

Antiseborrheic: May help reduce sebum production in the skin.

Antiseptic: May help prevent infection by killing or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms.

Antispasmodic: May help relieve spasms or cramps.

Anti-sudorific: May help reduce sweating.

Antitussive: May help suppress coughing.

Anti-allergenic: May help reduce allergic reactions.

Anti-arthritic: May help relieve symptoms of arthritis.

Anti-nociceptive: May help reduce sensitivity to painful stimuli.

Anti-pruritic: May help relieve itching.

Anti-viral: May help inhibit the growth of viruses.

Antioxidant: May help protect against cellular damage caused by free radicals.

Aphrodisiac: May help stimulate sexual desire or function.

Anxiolytic: May help reduce feelings of anxiety and promote relaxation.

Bactericidal: May help kill bacteria.

Bronchodilator: May help dilate the air passages in the lungs.

Bronchospasmolytic: May help relieve bronchospasm.

Carminative: May help relieve gas and bloating.

Cell regenerative: May help stimulate cellular growth or regeneration.

Cholagogue: May help promote the flow of bile from the gallbladder.

Cicatrisant: May help promote wound healing or scar reduction.

Cutaneous astringent: May help tighten or tone the skin.

Decongestant: May help relieve nasal congestion.

Depurative: May help purify the blood or remove toxins from the body.

Dermatophytes: May help prevent or treat fungal infections of the skin.

Detoxifier: May help remove toxins from the body.

Digestive: May help improve digestion.

Diaphoretic: May help induce sweating.

Diuretic: May help increase urine production.

Endocrine regulator: May help regulate the endocrine system.

Expectorant: May help promote the expulsion of mucus from the lungs.

Febrifuge: May help reduce fever.

Galactagogue: May help stimulate milk production in lactating women.

Harmonizing: May help balance or harmonize bodily systems.

Hepatoprotective: May help protect the liver from damage.

Hepatostimulant: May help stimulate liver function.

Hemostatic: May help stop bleeding.

Hypotensive: May help lower blood pressure.

Immune enhancer: May help enhance the immune system.

Immune modulating: May help regulate the immune system.

Immune stimulant: May help stimulate the immune system.

Insect repellent: May help repel insects.

Liver and kidney detoxifier: May help remove toxins from the liver and kidneys.

Lower cholesterol: May help reduce cholesterol levels.

Lymphatic drainage: May help promote lymphatic flow.

Muscular aches and pains: May help relieve muscular aches and pains.

Mucolytic: helps to loosen and break down mucus in the respiratory tract

Muscle relaxant: helps to relax and ease tension in muscles

Neuroprotective: protects nerve cells from damage or degeneration

Neuro-stabilizing: helps to stabilize and regulate the nervous system

Neurotonic: strengthens and tones the nervous system

Nervine: supports and strengthens the nervous system

Promote gastrointestinal motility: helps to improve the movement of food through the digestive system

Regenerate liver cells: supports the growth and repair of liver cells

Restorative: helps to restore and revitalize the body and mind

Sedative: has a calming and soothing effect on the body and mind

Styptic: helps to stop bleeding

Stomachic: supports healthy digestion and function of the stomach

Tonic: helps to strengthen and invigorate the body and mind

Urinary diuretic: helps to increase urine production and flow

Vasodilatory: helps to widen and relax blood vessels

Vasorelaxant: helps to relax and reduce tension in blood vessels

Venous tonic: supports healthy venous circulation

Vulnerary: helps to promote wound healing and prevent infection

Anesthetic: helps to numb and reduce pain

Broad-spectrum antibacterial: effective against a wide range of bacteria

Anticatarrhal: helps to reduce excess mucus in the respiratory tract

Antifungal: effective against fungal infections

Anti-ulcer: helps to prevent and treat stomach ulcers

Gastroprotective: protects the stomach and digestive system from damage

Immunomodulatory: helps to regulate and balance the immune system

Warming: has a warming and stimulating effect on the body and mind

Antimycotic: effective against fungal infections

Radioprotective: protects against radiation damage

Strengthening connective tissue: helps to strengthen and support connective tissue

Uterine tonic: supports healthy function of the uterus

Circulatory tonic: supports healthy circulation

Airborne antiseptic: helps to purify and cleanse the air

Aperitive: helps to stimulate appetite

Liver detoxification: supports the detoxification and elimination of toxins from the liver

Lipolytic: helps to break down fat cells

Modulates the central nervous system: helps to regulate and balance the central nervous system

Soothes the sympathetic nervous system: helps to calm and soothe the sympathetic nervous system.


Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory - 아세틸콜린에스테라제 억제

Analgesic - 진통제

Antibacterial - 항균제

Anti-inflammatory - 항염증제

Antimicrobial - 항균제

Antiperspirant - 항땀제

Antirheumatic - 항류마티스제

Antiseborrheic - 항지루제

Antiseptic - 소독제

Antispasmodic - 경련제

Anti-sudorific - 항땀제

Antitussive - 진해제

Anti-allergenic - 항알러지제

Anti-arthritic - 항류마티스제

Anti-nociceptive - 항통제

Anti-pruritic - 항가려움제

Anti-viral - 항바이러스제

Antioxidant - 항산화제

Anxiolytic: 불안완화제

Aphrodisiac - 만성제

Astringent - 수렴제

Bactericidal - 균살제

Bronchodilator - 기관지확장제

Bronchospasmolytic - 기관지경련제

Carminative - 소화제

Cell regenerative - 세포재생제

Cholagogue - 담출촉진제

Cicatrisant - 새로운 세포 재생제

Cutaneous astringent - 피부 수렴제

Decongestant - 축적 방지제

Depurative - 피부정화제

Dermatophytes - 피부균제

Detoxifier - 해독제

Digestive - 소화효소

Diaphoretic - 발한제

Diuretic - 이뇨제

Endocrine regulator - 내분비조절제

Expectorant - 가래제거제

Febrifuge - 해열제

Galactagogue - 유즙분비촉진제

Harmonizing - 조화제

Hepatoprotective - 간 보호제

Hepatostimulant - 간 기능증진제

Hemostatic - 정지제

Hypotensive - 혈압강하제

Immune enhancer - 면역증강제

Immune modulating - 면역조절제

Immune stimulant - 면역자극제

Insect repellant - 방충제

Liver and kidney detoxifier - 간장해독제

Lower cholesterol - 콜레스테롤강하제

Lymphatic drainage - 림프액순환증진제

Muscular aches and pains - 근육통 완화제

Mucolytic - 점액제거제

Muscle relaxant - 근육 이완제

Neuroprotective - 신경보호제

Neuro-stabilizing - 신경 안정제

Neurotonic - 신경활성제

Nervine - 신경 진정제

Promote gastrointestinal motility: 위장운동 촉진

Regenerate liver cells: 간세포 재생

Restorative: 회복 촉진의

Sedative: 진정제

Styptic: 불출제

Stomachic: 소화 촉진제

Tonic: 강장제

Urinary diuretic: 방뇨 작용을 하는

Vasodilatory: 혈관 확장 작용을 하는

Vasorelaxant: 혈관 이완 작용을 하는

Venous tonic: 정맥 강화제

Vulnerary: 상처 치유 작용을 하는

Anesthetic: 마취제

Broad spectrum antibacterial: 광범위한 항균 작용을 하는

Anticatarrhal: 분비물을 제거하는

Antifungal: 항균 작용을 하는

Anti-ulcer: 궤양 예방 및 치료에 효과적인

Gastroprotective: 위장 보호 효과를 가진

Immunomodulatory: 면역 조절 작용을 하는

Warming: 체온 상승 작용을 하는

Antimycotic: 항균 작용을 하는

Radioprotective: 방사선 예방 작용을 하는

Strengthening connective tissue: 연조직 강화 작용을 하는

Uterine tonic: 자궁 강화제

Circulatory tonic: 혈액순환 촉진제

Airborne antiseptic: 공기중 항균 작용을 하는

Aperitive: 식욕 촉진제

Liver detoxification: 간 해독 작용을 하는

Lipolytic: 지방 분해 작용을 하는

Modulates the central nervous system: 중추신경계를 규정하는

Soothes the sympathetic nervous system: 부교감신경계를 진정하는


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